Saturday, March 24, 2007


I was blown away by the extent of the popularity and development of myspace, facebook, and second life. Facebook is 8 times better read than the NY Times -that's unbelievable to me. It makes me realize that our society is changing drastically and it's made me all the more eager to learn more about these sites so i can keep up. Goodness! -i must sound so old fashioned. I've set up an account on MySpace and have re-connected with people i haven't seen in over ten years. And as for Second Life, i haven't visited the site yet, but the article was truly interesting. Anyway -cheers for 2.0.

Monday, March 19, 2007

RSS feeds

It's silly, but i actually think the hardest part of this whole training class has been remembering all my usernames and passwords, which -i know- should be the simplest, easiest thing. That being said, I found the RSS tutorial fairly straightforward and user-friendly. I can see it saving myself and businesses a lot of time since you don't have to sift through material and info you've already seen.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Flickr's quite a lot of fun. The spell program was my favorite of the mashup group -is there a way to copy and paste the word onto different programs, like this blog or word? I tried selecting, copying and pasting, but that didn't work. Also, i wish there was a back buttom so that i could go back to an image i liked. The other mashups were cool too, however, many of them seemed really slow -i guess b/c of the huge volume of photos.

The Flickr photos go on and on. I liked this one:
Beware on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Anyway, lots of fun. Thanks again for the tutorials.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

My very first blog.

So, as i'm completely new at all this, i feel as though i'm learning to walk for the very first time -with a lot of stumbling. But i'm very happy to be learning how to do this. It is fun, and -hopefully soon- it'll become easier. (I just hope i'm doing everything as i should).